Thursday, July 7, 2011

Forgiveness - question 3a

I need to forgive myself more than anyone else. It's me that I'm the hardest on. It's me that I can't forgive, even for things that so obviously were never my fault to begin with. I took the blame when I wasn't the one that did wrong & all becauseI felt like I deserved it. Well, I know now that I didn't deserve it then & I don't deserve it now. I need to forgive myself! I want to forgive myself!

Lord please soften my heart so I can forgive myself. I want to, but I'm still a little scared to. I need you to show me the way Lord. I can't do it without you! Lead me to forgiveness, forgiveness where I don't just say "I forgive myself" with no meaning to it. Teach me Lord, how to mean it when I say " I forgive".

The second part of question 3 I'm going to have to think about for a little while. I'm not quite sure what God is teaching me through this exercise & I haven't had much time to sit quietly & think about it yet. Unfortunately my house is very loud during the day with all of the Daycare kids. I don't have the time I would like to just to sit quietly with God & think about everything. Hopefully tonight I will have some time to do that. After taking my own kids swimming after work tonight. Gotta go swimming first after a long day of working. Have a gret day!


  1. I have faith that some day in the near future you will not only have forgiven yourself but you will be trusting God with a faith you never imagined before!!!
